
Admoove devance les Pages Jaunes : interview de J Leger, CEO , Admoove

AdMoove lance la première plateforme de publicité mobile géociblée

Récemment créée, AdMoove vient de devancer Pages Jaunes de quelques semaines dans le lancement d’une plateforme de nouvelle génération dédiée à la publicité locale via les mobiles.
Son service permet à des annonceurs de s’adresser en temps réel à des personnes passant à proximité de leurs points de vente, de leur proposer des promotions, des coupons de réduction ou des invitations directement sur l’écran de leur téléphone mobile et même de les guider pas à pas jusqu’à leurs portes. L’annonceur local peut ainsi programmer et diffuser via la plateforme une campagne dans un cercle de 500 mètres de rayon autour de sa boutique, mais aussi cibler une ville ou un code postal.
La technologie fonctionne lorsqu’un utilisateur est connecté à un site ou une application mobile dont le service d’Ad serving est en connexion avec celui d’AdMoove. Le display “national” peut alors être remplacé en temps réel par une bannière locale, pointant vers un site mobile, une carte, des invitations ou coupons de réduction.
AdMoove n’entend pas se substituer aux régies mobiles traditionnelles mais noue des accords avec elles pour proposer une nouvelle opportunité de générer des revenus grâce au géociblage. Un nouveau catalogue d’annonceurs s’ouvre donc pour la publicité mobile.  Les annonceurs locaux dépensent chaque année 5 milliards € en publicité et une part encore faible de cette manne est destinée au marché mobile.
Entretien avec Jerome Leger, Président de AdMoove

Jerome Leger, Président de AdMoove from frenchweb on Vimeo.

Source : http://frenchweb.fr/admoove-lance-premiere-plateforme-publicite-mobile-geociblee/

Un sondage qui indique que 30% des consommateurs sont prêts à faire plus de 6 km pour utiliser un coupon de réduction

As location-based services report impressive user growth and big brand partnerships, and major players like Facebook and Google enter the space, marketers are ramping up their location-based efforts ahead of the holiday season. It’s a good thing, too, as a substantial number of shoppers plan to take advantage of location-based services and promotions over the next several weeks.

According to JiWire’s latest Mobile Audience Insights Report, 89% of consumers plan to use location-based services for holiday planning and related activities; 37% expect to use them more than usual.

Most will use these applications, such as Google Maps to locate stores. But a significant percentage of the 1,200 surveyed (each of whom used one of JiWire’s public Wi-Fi locations between July and September of this year) plan to use location-based media to secure coupons and discounts, as well. Twenty-one percent said they have redeemed a mobile coupon in the past 90 days, and another 30% said they were willing to travel more than five miles to redeem a mobile coupon, especially for entertainment, retail and restaurant venues, suggesting that marketers ought to expand the range of their location-based campaigns beyond their storefronts.

Thirty-six percent said they expect descriptions and reviews of products will be the most valuable location-based feature during the holiday shopping season, followed by product inventory of nearby stores (33%) and social networking (26%).

Forty-nine percent of those surveyed said they are open to checking in on mobile apps. Meanwhile, 29% said that deals and promotions are the most valuable incentives for checking in, whereas another 17% claimed that sharing their location is the primary motivating factor behind checkins. (A mere 7% said scoring points was their main motivation suggesting that “gamification” is not as compelling to users as we may think.)

Source : http://mashable.com (2010-11-17)

Rencontres géolocalisées : Yuback lève 500 000 euros

Créée en juin 2009, Yuback vient d'annoncer avoir levé 500 000 euros auprès de Vivacto Développement et un business angel belge, Sven Holland. Grâce à cette somme, le service de rencontres géolocalisées pour le moment présent sur iPhone, compte développer une nouvelle vesion mobile et traduire son service en anglais afin de le proposer à l'international. Des versions sur d'autres plate-formes mobiles que celle d'Apple sont en préparation pour l'an prochain. Yuback s'était jusque-là financé sur fonds propres (60 000 euros) et grâce à un business angel ayant apporté 100 000 euros à la société

Source : journal du net (2010-11-24).


53% des recherches sur mobile concernent de l'info locale

Microsoft: 53 Percent Of Mobile Searches Have Local Intent

Nov 12, 2010 by Greg Sterling

Get out your slides, this is a great statistic: 53 percent of mobile searches on Bing have a local intent. This was casually told to me yesterday by Microsoft’s Stefan Weitz during a briefing call about a dozen other things. I stopped him and made him repeat and confirm the number. He did. It’s from Microsoft’s internal analysis of their mobile search query data.

There are a few other local search numbers floating around that get frequently cited. A big one is Google’s “20% of search is related to location.” This is a PC-centric estimate by Google that excludes some of the gray areas where intent can’t really be inferred. (Translated into query volume it represents billions of searches per month.) I also argue that most product searches online ultimately should be considered local since 96 percent of buying happens in stores.

What if you could lead people “from search to store”? That’s what Google is increasingly trying to do with product inventory data (embryonic) and some of its new mobile ad units.

Another popular data point sourced to Google is not an internal Google number: “One in three queries from smartphones is about where I am.” In the “telephone game” of data repetition that evolves into “one third of all mobile searches are local.”

Microsoft at SMX Advanced earlier this year put forward the following very compelling statistic about the differences between PC search and mobile search user behavior: 70 percent of PC “query chains” (essentially search tasks) are completed in about one week while 70 percent of mobile users do so in one hour.

If search is a “lean forward” medium, then mobile search is a “run forward” medium. Mobile users are often expressing immediate interests or needs as opposed to people searching on PCs who may be doing research for later. Smartphone users in particular (now 28 percent of the US mobile population according to Nielsen) are very directed and using their devices to navigate, literally and figuratively, through the physical world. Mobile gives people an opportunity to be online and in the world at the same time.

People on mobile devices are often looking for information and assistance to help them make buying decisions as they literally move toward the point of sale. And 53 percent of the queries that people are doing (at least on Bing) are questions about things either not that far away, pretty close or right in front of them (in the case of in-store product queries).

Mobile user demand for information that can be acted on in the real world, in real-time is, well, very real. That’s what this Microsoft stat reflects. If that’s not an argument for mobile advertising in general and mobile search in particular, I don’t know what is.

Starbucks élu annonceur mobile de l'année

Starbucks is 2010 Mobile Marketer of the Year

Starbucks taps mobile social media for FrappuccinoStarbucks knows that mobile makes social media an effective marketing channel
Starbucks Coffee Co. has been named 2010 Mobile Marketer of the Year, the highest accolade in mobile advertising, marketing and media.
Based on the nominations received from readers and submissions from this publication's editorial team, Mobile Marketer is convinced that Starbucks serves as a role model for marketers for its outstanding use of mobile as a marketing medium.
“Starbucks has proved that soigné marketing across all mobile channels is possible, tying customer branding, acquisition and retention initiatives into a strategic effort worth admiring from near and far,” said Mickey Alam Khan, editor in chief of Mobile Marketer and Mobile Commerce Daily, New York.
“The coffee giant is most commonly associated with a coupon to drive traffic in-store, but an analysis of its efforts will show that Starbucks taps mobile for the medium's strengths: location, timeliness and immediacy, convenience and measurability,” he said.
“Starbucks’ brilliant mobile marketing, from conception to execution and measurement in a multichannel context, makes it a no-brainer for 2010 Mobile Marketer of the Year.”
Starbucks, L’Oréal break first location-based mobiStarbucks is driving sales of its Via Ready Brew via location-based mobile marketing
The Mobile Marketer of the Year is the most prestigious honor for smart, strategic and creative mobile marketing. Team Obama won the honor in 2008 and Polo Ralph Lauren Corp. in 2009.
Starbucks shaped the mobile marketing industry this year, serving as an exemplar to other brands and encouraging agencies and service providers.
“Starbucks has clearly shown that it is a pioneer in the mobile space and a brand that has realized the importance of mobile," said Paul Gelb, director and mobile practice lead at Razorfish, New York. "It always distinguishes itself with the level of insight it has into its consumers and the way it is able to create an experience that attracts and maintains a loyal consumer base.
Budweiser, Lexus, Starbucks target Pandora users vStarbucks ad in the Pandora iPad app
"Given the nature of its business and the length of time people spend in its locations, and how people use Starbucks for numerous types of computing, whether it be using a laptop or, often, a mobile phone, the brand has made its offering a beacon for that, leveraging a wide variety of mobile experiences," he said.
Here is a breakdown of Starbucks' work in the mobile space, and why it is mobile top dog.
Building lists of loyalistsStarbucks is highly focused on building a qualified database of respondents to mobile campaigns.
The opt-in list is gold, since the churn rate with mobile phone numbers is minimal compared with email or postal addresses.
In October, Starbucks was among the first brands on board for a six-month trial powered by Placecast that relies on consumers opting-in to receive relevant messages based on age, gender, interests and – for the first time – their location.
When opted-in, consumers that are found to be within a geofenced area owned by Starbucks receive a text message offering them money off Starbucks Via Ready Brew at a nearby branch.
One mobile coupon from Starbucks offers consumers money off of their Via purchase.
The brand believes that, by offering discounts for customers who are close to supermarkets and its coffee shops where Starbucks Via Ready Brew is sold, it will encourage brand loyalty and drive foot traffic.
This promotion allows Starbucks to save the list of loyalists and remarket to them in the future.

Well-performing effortsStarbucks consistently achieves a high rate of response to campaigns, thus proving deft use of calls to action and targeted marketing.
For example, Starbucks-owned Seattle’s Best Coffee’s mobile advertising campaign to promote its new canned iced coffee drove 139,000 users to the brand’s mobile site.
The vast variety of mobile ad units succeeded in driving consumers to an interactive landing experience compatible with thousands of mobile devices.
The advertising creative was outstanding, as the ad imagery conveyed the brand attributes and engendered high click-throughs.
The campaign included executions such as standard banners, animated multi-panel banners, text links, in-application expandable banners and full-page interactive interstitials.
Branding, customer acquisition and retentionStarbucks has consistently made effective use of mobile marketing for branding, customer acquisition and retention.
The brand has taken advantage of Pandora’s iPad application, which features new advertising opportunities.
Pandora’s mobile Internet radio platform provides the opportunity to target consumers across a broad range of segments.
Clicking on an ad unit launches a landing page inside the Pandora application, which allows users to keep listening to music as they explore more information about the brands.
The Starbucks iPad advertisement promoted the coffee retailer’s new “however-you-want-it” Frappuccino drink.
Clicking on the ad window launched a landing page that included a short, frenetic video advertisement for the campaign.
Underneath the video, a clickable graphic lead to a database where users could search through drink recipes submitted by visitors of http://www.frappuccino.com.
The campaign dovetailed with a Starbucks online campaign on Pandora’s Web site, which allowed music lovers to design their own drink, then generated playlists based on the beverages selected.
Mobile is part of multichannel mixWhile standalone mobile marketing efforts are OK, Starbucks incorporates mobile into a multichannel plan.
Mobile's role in giving legs to social media, print, television, radio, direct mail, catalogs, insert media and the Internet is what makes it a standout medium.
In June, Starbucks pushed its Frappuccino drink in an ad unit within an SMS dialogue with voters as part of a sponsored call-to-action aired at the MTV Movie Awards.
The program was powered by SinglePoint. Hundreds of thousands of consumers texted-in to vote and were therefore exposed to the Starbucks ad, which thanked consumers for participating.
Mobile social networkingStarbucks was among the initial brands driving sales via the Loopt Star mobile social networking rewards game, which launched in June.
Location-based social mapping service Loopt's mobile rewards game, Loopt Star, is currently available as an application for Apple’s iPhone and iPod touch. It lets consumers check in to compete with friends and win real-world rewards from retailers and organizations.
With Loopt Star, users play with friends and gain achievements, coupons and other brand-specified rewards for checking into specific locations.
The consumer who checks into any individual Starbucks the most becomes the “Honorary Barista” of that Starbucks.
In May, Starbucks ran the Frappuccino Happy Hour promotion, a location-based multichannel campaign offering discounts to consumers who express brand loyalty on social networks.
The Frappuccino Happy Hour promotion was highlighted across all of Starbucks’ channels, including Twitter, Facebook, Brightkite, foursquare, YouTube, MyStarbucksIdea.com and Starbucks.com, along with an in-store promotion.
Brightkite users had the opportunity to earn a Starbucks badge if they checked into Starbucks during the national Frappuccino Happy Hour promotion from 3-5 p.m.
“They can add this badge to their profile to show their friends how much they love Starbucks,” said Lisa Passé, spokeswoman for Starbucks, Seattle. “We're really excited to be trying out new and innovative programs with location-based services like Brightkite.
“Finding new ways to connect with our customers in our stores and online, guides the progression of our social media strategy,” she said at the time. “What’s great about Brightkite is that it links the real time in store experience to the online community.”
Starbucks Card Mobile applicationStarbucks is not just leading the way in mobile marketing and advertising, but is also trail-blazing in the areas of mobile payments and loyalty.
In May, the brand unveiled the largest combined mobile payments and loyalty program in the United States.
With the Starbucks Card Mobile application for Apple’s iPhone and iPod touch, which is powered by mFoundry, users can check their balance, reload their card and view transactions.
In 16 select Starbucks stores in Silicon Valley and Seattle and at any U.S. Target Starbucks store—they can actually pay with their Starbucks Card using their iPhone or iPod touch.
In September, the brand launched a version of the application for Research In Motion’s BlackBerry.
Last month, Starbucks expanded its Starbucks Card Mobile payment test to nearly 300 company-operated stores in New York and Nassau and Suffolk counties on Long Island.
Starbucks is currently letting customers in and around New York pay for Starbucks beverages with their mobile phone.

“Our mobile payment trial to date has exceeded our expectations and the NYC and Long Island expansion builds on this success,” said Chuck Davidson, category manager for innovation on the Starbucks Card team at Starbucks, Seattle.
“New York City provides a concentrated group of stores in an important market for us and our customers there are tech-savvy and on-the-go, so it was an ideal place to take mobile payment next,” he said at the time. “Mobile payment is the fastest way to pay and our customers have asked us to increase the number of locations with mobile payment.
“Our goal is expanding our mobile footprint to give more customers access to mobile payment.”
Comprehensive mobile strategyTo be recognized as the Mobile Marketer of the Year, the brand must demonstrate a comprehensive mobile strategy.
A 360-degree mobile strategy is different for each brand. It depends on the product, the target consumer and what the brand is trying to achieve.
"What all successful brands have in common is where they start—comprehensive analysis and assessment of what the opportunities are across media, marketing, their owned assets, messaging programs and integrating mobile into other channels and consumer touch points," Razorfish's Mr. Gelb said.
"Those that tie it back to their unique product, consumer and objectives, that is when you have a robust, 360-degree mobile offering," he said.

Source : http://www.mobilemarketer.com/cms/news/advertising/8140.html


Admoove s'attaque au marché de la publicité locale

Lancement d'une plateforme destinée à servir des bannières publicitaires géociblées sur mobiles via AdMoove

Capture d’écran 2010-11-15 à 14.08.17
La plateforme permet en effet à des annonceurs de s'adresser en temps réel à des personnes passant à proximité de leurs points de vente, de leur proposer des promotions, des coupons de réduction ou des invitations directement sur l'écran de leur téléphone mobile et de les guider pas à pas jusqu'à leur porte.

AdMoove permet de définir des zones de diffusion adaptées aux besoins de chaque annonceur : il est ainsi possible de diffuser une campagne dans un cercle de 500 mètres de rayon autour d'une boutique, de cibler une ville ou un code postal. Il est également possible de fixer les jours et les heures de diffusion des campagnes pour les faire coïncider avec les horaires d'ouverture des points de vente.

Pour les annonceurs, qui ne sont pas forcément familiers des techniques de communication sur mobile et qui pour la plupart ne possèdent pas de site adapté au téléphone mobile, AdMoove a développé une solution clef-en-main incluant :
- La production d'une bannière publicitaire, permettant d'afficher de façon dynamique la distance jusqu'au point de vente le plus proche ;

- La production et la mise en ligne d'un mini-site mobile permettant de communiquer l'adresse du point de vente le plus proche, de le positionner sur une carte et d'afficher le cas échéant un coupon de réduction.
Point de vue 
Le service se positionne comme un complément aux régies publicitaires qui de toute façon ne délivre pas du local à ce jour. 

Un grand travail a été fait par AdMoove pour permettre un affichage local à des publicités local mobile, le marché est énorme...potentiellement toutes les marques qui ont des enseignes sur le territoire, toute les Régie publicitaire locale (presse, radio,colectivités), mais aussi le commerçant avec un accès Web en self service..... peuvent être les clients d'AdMoove !! Un allié de poids pour les éditeurs d'applications et les régie publicitaire mobile, pour ceux qui ont compris que la publicité local est l'avenir de la publicité sur mobile !

Source: http://www.servicesmobiles.fr/services_mobiles/2010/11/lancement-dune-plateforme-destin%C3%A9e-%C3%A0-servir-des-banni%C3%A8res-publicitaires-g%C3%A9ocibl%C3%A9es-sur-mobiles-via-a.html


Lancement officiel de la plate-forme de publicité géolocalisée admoove

Vendredi 12 novembre 2010, 17h24

AdMoove sera la première régie française à lancer une offre de display et liens sponsorisés géolocalisée sur mobile.
Si Internet et l'e-commerce ont contribué à vider les magasins physiques, le mobile va les y ramener. C'est pour permettre aux commerces de proximité de "prendre leur revanche sur l'e-commerce", que Julien Chamussy et Jérôme Léger lanceront la semaine prochaine la première régie française de publicité géolocalisée sur mobile, AdMoove, à l'occasion du salon Buzness Mobile qui se tiendra à Paris les 17 et 18 novembre.

La start-up s'attaque à un marché sur lequel aucun acteur français (à part SFR qui commercialise une offre de SMS géolocalisés) ne s'est encore lancé : permettre aux annonceurs locaux de diffuser des campagnes aux mobinautes situés à proximité de leur zone de chalandise, via les sites et applications Internet mobile d'un réseau d'éditeurs. "Sur les 30 milliards d'euros que représente le marché publicitaire français, 5 milliards sont dépensés par les annonceurs locaux, dont seulement 15 % sur Internet, expliquent les deux fondateurs. Notre pari est que le mobile représentera 5 % des dépenses locales dans les cinq ans."

Pour le moment, la start-up réalise des campagnes pilotes avec quelques annonceurs et éditeurs. Dès son lancement, l'entreprise proposera l'ensemble des formats (display et liens sponsorisés) disponibles sur mobile. Annonceurs et éditeurs pourront choisir des modèles de rémunération au CPM et au CPC. L'entreprise réfléchit à l'élaboration à terme d'un service de couponing, plus lourd à mettre en place, afin de proposer un modèle de rémunération au CPA.

Les deux associés ont identifié 200 bassins géographiques d'audience, qu'ils souhaitent couvrir en priorité dans les deux années à venir. L'objectif est d'aller vite, face à un concurrent, PagesJaunes, qui dispose déjà d'un portefeuille d'annonceurs conséquent et qui prévoit de lancer une offre similaire d'ici la fin de l'année (lire l'interview du directeur général adjoint de PagesJaunes, du 25/10/2010). AdMoove espère agréger un inventaire équivalent à celui de PagesJaunes sur mobile (3,7 millions de visiteurs uniques selon Mediamétrie). "Il ne serait pas farfelu d'y parvenir en l'espace de 18 mois", assurent les deux associés.

Pour commercialiser son offre, la start-up travaillera en direct avec les annonceurs nationaux. Afin de toucher les annonceurs plus modestes, AdMoove s'appuiera sur des forces de vente locales, qui disposent déjà d'un portefeuille d'annonceurs. Plusieurs acteurs comme Spir, NRJ Régions ou Comareg ont déjà été approchés en ce sens. Il sera enfin possible de paramétrer et lancer en direct une campagne géoadaptée depuis la plate-forme AdMoove.

En s'appuyant sur une force de vente décentralisée, l'entreprise prévoit d'atteindre l'équilibre à la fin de l'année 2011. En attendant, ses fondateurs travaillent actuellement au bouclage d'une première levée de fonds dans les mois à venir.

Source : http://www.journaldunet.com/ebusiness/breve/france/49382/admoove-veut-initier-les-annonceurs-a-la-m-pub-geolocalisee.shtml

20% de taux de clic pour une campagne de bannières mobiles géolocalisées

NAVTEQ Location-Based Marketing Campaign Sees 20% CTR, 40% Post-Click Engagement

Mobile Marketing NAVTEQ Location Based Marketing Campaign Sees 20% CTR, 40% Post Click EngagementNAVTEQ announced today that a first-of-its-kind location-based marketing campaign for O2 in the U.K.netted impressive results across the board.
The campaign leveraged NAVTEQ’s newly launched “LocationPoint” LBS marketing platform to promote the chance to win free concert tickets to a local concert or special event. NAVTEQ, in conjunction with high-quality Ovi Maps,  delivered location-aware ads to Nokia smartphone users as they approached one of more than a dozen O2 concert venues throughout the U.K.
Campaign results show an impressive initial click-through rate of 20%, while a further impressive 40% of consumers visited the attached mobile Website to register to win or clicked on a map showing the venue location.  In addition, 16% requested an Ovi Map orienting or directing them to the venue.  The campaign is another early win for NAVTEQ which is making huge strides in leveraging its navigation-centric network to deliver highly targeted location-based ads.
“NAVTEQ lets advertisers intelligently tap into the rich potential of mobile for branding and advertising,” said David Barker, NAVTEQ Director Ad Sales Europe and Africa. “NAVTEQ’s LocationPoint advertising services is the solution that allows big destinations like O2 to drive consumers in their doors—and do it in ways that can be measured to show proof of return on investment.”

Source:  http://www.mobilemarketingwatch.com/navteq-location-based-marketing-campaign-sees-20-ctr-40-post-click-engagement-11086/

Campagne de push géolocalisé pour PlayBoy : Bons plans, invitations VIP dans le monde de la nuit

Playboy Teams With Xtify For Location-Triggered Advertising In New “Scout” App

Mobile Marketing Playboy Teams With Xtify For Location Triggered Advertising In New Scout AppXtify, an ASP for mobile push and geo-targeted messaging, recently announced the launch of “Playboy Scout,” a new mobile application enhanced with location-triggered content delivery using the company’s patent-pending geo-location technology.
The new application presents Playboy’s audience with exclusive nightlife oriented offers and information about events, clubs, and bars which have been reviewed and recommended by Playboy’s editors, and delivers push notifications to users when they are in proximity of venues of interest.  The mobile alerts feature content such as VIP access to Playboy events and venue reviews from Playboy’s editors.
What’s interesting about this offering is that Xtify offers the only location-based push notification technology that allows publishers to send notifications to their mobile audience even when the application is closed, greatly enhancing location-relevancy in the process.  The app is only available for Android devices currently, with availability for other smartphones in the pipeline, the company says.
The new app is now live in New York City and Los Angeles with additional cities receiving the alert system throughout 2011.  City content will also be updated every few weeks as new locations are reviewed by Playboy’s editors.  Additionally, users will be alerted to special offers and perks in select cities across the country.
“Playboy is an authority in the nightlife space with entertainment content that is even more relevant when unleashed from the confines of a computer or magazine,” said Josh Rochlin, CEO of Xtify.  ”With the Scout application, we are seeing the future of how geo-enabled offerings will allow brands to have a more meaningful relationship with their mobile customers.  Xtify’s push notification technology and management tools make it easy for Playboy to deliver the most relevant, timely and highly engaging offers and content to its readers, ensuring a satisfying consumer experience with each notification.”

Source: http://www.mobilemarketingwatch.com/playboy-teams-with-xtify-for-location-triggered-advertising-in-new-scout-app-11092/


Facebook lance son offre de couponing géolocalisé

Facebook vient de lancer un service permettant aux entreprises de pousser des réductions aux utilisateurs de son application mobile. Cette offre de couponing baptisée "Facebook Deals" permet de cibler les utilisateurs de Facebook Places lorsque ceux-ci déclarent leur position géographique ("check in") à proximité d'un point de vente d'un annonceur de ce programme. Lancé dans un premier temps aux Etats-Unis uniquement, Facebook Deals compte déjà parmi ses annonceurs des enseignes comme Gap ou Macy's. L'offre devrait être déployée à l'international dans les mois à venir.

Source : JDNET / 4 novembre 2011


Les règles déontologiques du régulateur autrichien au titre de la géolocalisation

They specify that:
•     Every LBS must be provided on an opt-in basis with a specific request from a user for the service. Consent for one service should not mean consent for any other service. LBS services should allow a customer to opt-out, stop or temporarily suspend services.
•    LBS services must not be used to undermine customer privacy and must not be used for any form of unauthorised surveillance. The service must be designed to guard against consumers being located without their knowledge.
•    Customers must be able to control who uses their location information and when that is appropriate. A customer must have easy access to a list of the identities of all parties authorised to locate their mobile device via the LBS. The guidelines provide for the sending of alerts to customers to remind them their mobile can be located by other parties.
•    LBS services should allow the user to easily review and control who can locate their mobile device.
•    Services such as anonymous chat and introduction or dating location-based services should only be made available to people whose age has been verified as over 18 years.