
Twitter lance Places son service de géolocalisation

Twitter turns on location-services, plays nice with Foursquare, Gowalla

twitte places Twitter turns on location services, plays nice with Foursquare, GowallaTwitter has flipped the switch on its location services and you can now let your followers know exactly where you are when you’re eating that delicious sandwich.

The Places feature will now let you give more context to your tweets by including a location. The company uses a World Cup watcher as an example, as you’ll be able to tell if that person is watching at his house, the stadium or at a local watering hole. It does ask for permission, so don’t worry privacy fans, and the company said it will soon be bringing this feature to its official apps for the BlackBerry, iPhone and Android.

… We’re excited to announce Twitter Places on twitter.com and mobile.twitter.com. Starting today, you can tag Tweets with specific places, including all World Cup stadiums in South Africa, and create new Twitter Places. You can also click a Twitter Place within a Tweet to see recent Tweets from a particular location. Try it out during the next match—you will be able to see Tweets coming from the stadium.

The interesting thing is that the micro-blogging service is playing nice with other check-in providers like Foursquare or Gowalla. Places integrates with these third-party services, so you can see which tweets originated from these apps. The company is also planning to release an application programming interface that will let other developers integrate Places in their apps.

So, it’s good that the micro-blogging service is getting into the location-based services game, as it will probably be able to turn on location-based advertising in the future and actually make some money. It’s not the only social network looking at LBS, as Facebook is also planning to turn on a “check-in service” with big-name partners like McDonald’s. This could really get these services into the mainstream.

[Via Twitter blog] source :http://www.intomobile.com/2010/06/15/twitter-turns-on-location-services-plays-nice-with-foursquare-gowalla.html


Géolocalisation de publicité audio avec Aha et TargetSpot

Aha chooses TargetSpot for location-aware radio ads

Aha Radio mobile app
Aha Mobile has signed with TargetSpot, a mobile radio ad network, to deliver location-aware advertising in the free Aha Radio mobile Internet application.

Advertisers will be able to target on-the-go listeners based on real-time, mobile, geographical data about drivers, which will be provided by the Aha Radio application. For example, advertisers can geographically target listeners based on GPS data and their personal preferences and interests. The objective is to deliver ads that reach consumers at the most appropriate time and place.

Aha will integrate TargetSpot's new mobile advertising platform on various Aha Radio stations.

According to Eval Goldwerger, CEO of TargetSpot, Internet radio is rapidly gaining popularity among drivers. Advertisers are seeking opportunities to follow consumers from desktop at work to the car and at home.

Internet radio and other digital music sources are all taking bites out of conventional radio. Ad revenue netted by terrestrial radio stations in the US peaked in 2006 but has generally been declining since then.

Source : http://news.thewherebusiness.com/content/aha-chooses-targetspot-location-aware-radio-ads


Un nouveau partenaire pour 4Square : 6 Flags , le leader US des parcs d'attraction . A quand une check-in app chez astérix ou Disney ?

Six Flags and Foursquare Offer Season Passes to Top Active Players

sixflagslogoAs we’ve been reporting recently, the location-based advertising game is attracting big brands almost daily, and Six Flags is the latest to jump into the FourSquare bandwagon. The new partnership will be available to fans throughout all 11 of the Six Flags parks in the United States, and will take place between June 10th and September 7, 2010. Players will be able to earn special badges for checking in at the theme park and getting badges will also enable players to have a chance to get special prizes including a chance to win prizes.

One of the best elements of the FourSquare integration is the prizing, and the player who is the FourSquare mayor of each park at the end of the promotion will get a free season’s pass. The park will also reward people who check in 10 times during the promotion. These kinds of concepts demonstrate how powerful location-based marketing can be. Incenting users to collect ‘achievements’ as they attend high-priced theme parks is definitely applying the same monetization principals as Farmville does with their games. Achievements are proving themselves now to manifest themselves as useful in the real world.

“Foursquare presents another unique way for Six Flags to engage our fans while creating a virtual loyalty program,” said Jackie Gagne, Six Flags Director of Direct and Digital Marketing. “What really separates foursquare from other social sites are the game’s incentives and the ability to share experiences with others.”

We recently looked at how games like FourSquare, Gowalla and MyTown are aggressively targeting advertisers. Take a look and keep an eye on this exploding space.


Une liste exhaustive (?) des opérations marketing menées sur les réseaux sociaux géolocalisés phares du marche

Ques des exemples US évidemment! A quand la première opération de ce type en France. Un beau travail de compilation de la part de l'auteur de cet article

Le mobile comme carte de fidélité

En mélangeant le concept de réseau social géolocalisé avec celui de la récompense des programmes de fidélité on obtient un concept hybride qu'illustre parfaitement les applications Pepsi Loot ou Loopt Star . Un article qui fait le point sur ce type d'offre aux Etats-Unis


Apple travaille sur le concept d'application temporaire

Notamment pour permettre aux entreprises locales d'offrir des services temporaires basés sur la localisation de l'utilisateur, par exemple les places libres ou le temps d'attente dans un restaurant tant que le client est proche de ce lieu


Berg Report : un extrait , la barre de 15% du parc équipé GPS franchie en Europe

According to a new research report from Berg Insight, mobile location-based service revenues in Europe are forecasted to grow from € 220 million in 2009 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12 percent to reach € 420 million in 2015. Local search, navigation services and social networking are believed to become the top applications in terms of number of users. Berg Insight estimates that one third of all mobile subscribers in Europe will use some kind of location-enhanced application on a regular basis by 2015. The social networking category is forecasted to experience the highest growth in the coming years. “Location-based services are finally on the verge of mainstream acceptance. Increasing sales of smartphones are driving end-user awareness of mobile Internet services and applications in general. On-device application stores enable access to mobile services for a broader audience at the same time as flat-rate data plans make pricing more transparent. More and more developers are now adding location support in their applications to enhance the user experience”, said André Malm, Senior Analyst, Berg Insight. He adds that integration of GPS in handsets is an important driver. “The installed base of GPS handsets in Europe has recently surpassed 15 percent of total handsets and will increase to 50 percent three years from now.” The revenue model for many mobile applications in the consumer segment is shifting from premium fees to ad-funding. This is especially the case for location-based services where now also navigation services are becoming free for end-users and developers monetise their offerings through ads and various bundles. However, revenues may not grow at the same rate as usage because the mobile advertising ecosystem is still nascent. It will take some years before a successful model has been established that allows advertisers to reach out to a critical mass of active users. This is especially the case for emerging location-based advertising.
More information at http://www.berginsight.com/ShowReport.aspx?m_m=3&id=100
By Johan Fagerberg, CEO/Founder, Berg Insight AB